Bo Hua Yongli excellent operation system kick-off meeting was held

Release time: 2024-05-24 Author: Anonymous Source: Within the company

      5月23日,Wynn Operating Excellence System (YLES) kick-off meeting was held in the Bohua Yongli Company lecture hall,Zhao Jiang, Honeywell's Global Vice President of Process Control and General Manager of Greater China, and project team members,Bohua Yongli Company Party secretary, chairman Wei Yifeng and other company leaders and all management personnel attended the meeting。

      As an important part of the development strategy of Bohua Group and Bohua Yongli Company, lean management is the direct driving force to improve the competitiveness of enterprises and promote the progress and development of enterprises。Wynn Operating Excellence System (YLES) is an excellent management system based on Lean Six Sigma management. The completion of the system will help improve the company's performance and enhance the company's competitive advantage in management。

      As the first pilot unit of the group, Bohua Yongli Company will start the project in the second quarter of 2024, improve the basic deployment in the third quarter of 2025, and complete the bronze certification in October 2025。Through system construction, optimize and improve the company's production and operation process, improve the efficiency of organizational operation and management, open up the information flow between levels, and finally establish a set of excellent operation system with Yongli characteristics, standard, sustainable and covering the whole business process, improve the company's performance indicators, and achieve management improvement。

      At the meeting, in his speech, Zhao Jiang put forward constructive opinions on the overall implementation plan of Wynn's operational excellence system and expressed high expectations for the smooth progress of the project。

      In his speech, Wei Yifeng highly affirmed the deployment plan of Yongli's excellent operation system, expressed confidence and determination for the smooth progress of the project, and put forward requirements for the project landing:

      First, change the concept, improve the understanding, deep lean。

      It is necessary to objectively understand the significance of implementing YLES。Promoting the YLES system focuses on achieving "three improvements and one training", that is, improving quality, efficiency and efficiency, and cultivating talents。This is not only the work requirements of Bohua Group for the company, but also the objective needs of their own survival and development。

      Second, leaders take the lead, departments are linked, and all staff participate。

      Management cadres at all levels should take the lead and practice。One is in the concept,Pay special attention to the implementation of YLES,Take the lead in lean management;The second is in action,Dare to put pressure on yourself,Dare to deny yourself,Unsatisfied status quo,Continuous improvement work;Third, be good at learning,Not only take the lead,Also actively organize staff learning and training,Cultivate a backbone team of lean management。

      Third, learn from each other, summarize and improve together。

      One is to turn the eyes outward,Learn from the advanced experience of our brothers and other industries in implementing operational excellence systems,Make proper arrangements for learning and exchange with other countries;Second, the eyes turn inward,Strengthen work research,Pay attention to summarize and refine the good experience and good practice of the grass-roots units in the implementation of YLES,Promote the balanced development and joint improvement of YLES work in all units。

      The company will take the launch of the Wynn Operating Excellence System (YLES) project as an opportunity, with the help of Honeywell's advanced lean concepts and methods, anchor the goal of "achieving results, growing capabilities, and shaping culture", comprehensively promote the company's lean and digital intelligence transformation and upgrading, and help Wynn achieve high-quality and sustainable development。